
Buzzing with the mouthpiece is a good way to start the day. Here's a few examples, feel free to make up more yourself. If available, use a piano to stay in pitch. If not, take the first note of each phrase from the trumpet.

Sound example: mouthpiece warm-up 1, c1, Tempo=60

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frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="320px" height="40px"]]

Mouthpiece warm-up 1


created by jjsjjs

Sound example: mouthpiece warm-up 1, c, Tempo=60

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frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="320px" height="40px"]]

created by jjsjjs

Sound example: mouthpiece warm-up 1, c2, Tempo=60

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frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="320px" height="40px"]]

Sound example: Mouthpiece warm-up 2, Tempo=60

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frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="320px" height="40px"]]

Mouthpiece warm-up 2


created by jjsjjs

Further studies:


Stamp, James: Warm-Ups + Studies

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